News / open-end play

Celebrating playhao's 10th Anniversary

Celebrating playhao's 10th Anniversary

When birthday is the theme, our good friend, Tarte by Cheryl Koh, comes to mind! We’d like a celebration that is fun, engaging, social-distancing-friendly, and ends on a sweet note. So… ta-da… our party in a box!
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Grapat - Creative play in tune with nature

Grapat - Creative play in tune with nature

Child’s play is hard work. When done right, a single play session can stimulate the senses, stir creativity, and build perseverance. It is through play that children learn to navigate the world around them. playhao began as parents wanting the best for their children - that meant providing toys that could facilitate the highest level of quality play. Over the years we’ve always carried toys we believe in, and the latest addition to our repertoire is no different.
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